Minutes WLHO- 4.19.21 - WLHO- Westlake Homeowners Association

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Minutes WLHO- 4.19.21


 Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
April 19, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. - by phone

Board members in attendance:  Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer, Rolland Royce and Lev Volod.  Tom Berridge also attended.

Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  The minutes of the March 29, 2021 annual meeting of homeowners were reviewed and approved.  

Treasurer’s report
.  Rolland reviewed the March and year-to-date 2021 financials, noting receipt of additional annual dues, including the agreed payment from prior years dues on a homeowner on Charles Circle; payment and filing of 2020 tax obligations, and other expense details.  

Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.  

The owner of the house on Amberwood Circle with the fallen mailbox has engaged a company to remedy the problem by early June.
New roofs meeting the established requirements for homes on Edenberry and Westfield were approved.  
A hazardous tree removal on Greensborough Ct was approved.

Open Spaces.   
Update on assessment of trees in open spaces – Tom will contact Teragon for proposed contract.
Risk of fire from fallen trees/debris in open spaces – Tom will contact the Lake Oswego Fire Marshall for advice.  Chris suggested looking into the cost of reducing dry brush in open spaces based up the results of such advice – for future consideration.
2021 Contribution to the Open Space Project – after discussion, the board agreed to a $5,000 contribution to the project.
Fritz reported that after investigating various proposals, including commercial and retail, the barkdusting project will be completed in May, at a cost of $7,800.
Fallen tree – Fritz will look into remedies on the fallen tree root in the open space behind a home on Edenberry Court.

Open Board Position.   At the annual meeting in March past board member Bill Scharwatt volunteered to serve.  The board discussed and unanimously approved the election of Bill to the board effective immediately.

Upcoming meetings
May 17, 2021  at 6:30 p.m.
June 21, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

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