Minutes WLHO- 10.18.21 - WLHO- Westlake Homeowners Association

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Minutes WLHO- 10.18.21




Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
October 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. - by phone

Board members in attendance:  Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer, Rolland Royce, Lev Volod, and Bill Scharwatt.   Tom Berridge participated for open space updates.  Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  

Minutes of the September 2021 board meeting – approved as submitted.

Open Spaces/Arborist Update – Tom presented an update on the arborist report from Teragon Associates, the recommendation to remove approximately 20 trees (most of which are ash), and the advance assessment work proposed by Teragon, which will be reviewed further once more information is available.  Tom will follow up with Teragon to obtain an invoice for this study.  Tom will pursue proposals for this work, including the trimming of branches along Westlake Drive and Parkview Drive.  At this point Tom left the meeting.  

Treasurer’s report
.  Rolland reviewed the September and year-to-date 2021 financials, variances to budget, cash disbursements ledger, water billing detail, and past-due accounts.   Expenditures are generally on or under budget, with the cost of the arborist work and tree removal discussed previously still to be determined.  

Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.  

A request for window replacements on Camden Lane was approved.
A request for tree removal on Amberwood Circle is pending.
A request for a driveway replacement on Victoria Ct. is pending.

Open Spaces.   
Complaint on Edenberry Ct Open Space – Fritz has discussed and resolved the issue with the homeowner.
Complaint regarding smokers on our side of Parkview across from the apartments.  Rolland talked to the apartment manager.  They have implemented a no-smoking policy on all apartment property including a 25-foot buffer around the apartments.  The board discussed options, and agreed to monitor the situation for further action as needed.
Reported coyote sighting – coyotes are a natural resident of our area and while posing some risk to small animals, no further action is deemed necessary at this time.  
Damaged fence between Tract A and Kruse Way – Fritz will follow up with the City for repair.  

Other -  Website hosting – Lev will provide continued support for the website and will provide expense request for the outside costs of such service.  

Upcoming meetings
November 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
December 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

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