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Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
April 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. -
Board members in attendance: Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer, Rolland Royce, Lev Volod, and Bill Scharwatt. Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of the March 28, 2022 annual meeting – approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s report. Rolland reviewed the March 2022 financials, cash disbursements ledger, and water billing detail. As of this date, 275 out of 293 homeowners have paid their 2022 dues, with receipt of prior year’s dues from two homeowners noted. The list of past due accounts was reviewed in detail, with some redundancy in names noted.
Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.
A request for a play structure in a backyard on Edenberry Ct: Approval by all adjoining neighbors was included in the request, but the homeowner does not plan to add screening as required by the CCRs. The board reviewed pictures of the site, and determined that existing trees on the site as well as a neighboring lot would provide adequate screening: the homeowner was advised that additional screening may be required in the future if existing screening is removed. The request was approved.
A request for exterior paint on an Amberwood Circle home: The request was approved, with a note that the project will not include painting of the exterior brick.
Arborist invoice (Teragan & Associates) for sonic topography work: Approved for payment. While recognizing the value of the information received, the board does not feel that additional work of this nature is worth the cost, in part due to the tree/branch removal projected completed in late 2021. The board will continue to utilize the ongoing open space project and input from our Open Space coordinator to monitor the health of our open space trees.
Backyard fence damage caused by our contractor: Fritz has been in contact with the homeowner and obtained a bid. We will continue to work toward a resolution of this issue.
Issues raised at the March 2022 annual meeting: The board will be following up on these during the next two months:
Asphalt path on west side of Westlake Dr north of Amberwood Circle
Street parking, including nose-
Crossing protection at the two intersections of Westlake Dr. and Amberwood Circle
Reserve study: Rolland will coordinate an update of this required study.
Upcoming meetings.
May 23, Monday at 6:30 p.m.
June 21, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.
July 18, Monday, at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.