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Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
August 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Board members in attendance: Fritz Gerwe, Bill Scharwatt, Lev Volod, and Rolland Royce. Chris Heuer was absent. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of the July 17, 2023 board meeting – approved.
Treasurer’s report. Rolland reviewed the July and year-
Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.
A request for a exterior paint on Charles Circle – approved.
A request for a removal and pruning of trees on Meridian Court – approved.
A request for exterior paint on Charles Circle – approved.
A request for tree removal on Westfield Ct – approved.
A request for back window change and play structure – approved.
A request for exterior paint on Yorkshire Court – approved.
Fritz updated the board on the completed landscaping project at the intersection of Charles Circle and Westlake Drive, approved by the board via email in early August. The work included the removal of small ash trees, ivy, and brush, followed by barkdust.
Rolland updated the board on a call with outside counsel on past due accounts. Counsel reviewed and approved our published policy. Counsel also approved the drafts of letters which now have been sent via certified and regular mail, which include a demand for payment or further action will be taken.
Fritz opened a discussion regarding the performance of our existing landscape vendor Buels Landscaping, with a potential of moving the business to GreenGrowth. The impact on the budget vs better service will be evaluated.
The list of homes where landscaping or other exterior maintenance needs was discussed, with more work to follow.
A complaint on a play structure was discussed – Fritz and Rolland will follow up.
A request for a variance on fence materials on Camden Court was discussed, then rejected.
Conference call platform – in progress.
Upcoming meetings.
September 11, 2023, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone
October 9, 2023, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone
November 13, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.