Minutes WLHO-9- 11-23 - WLHO- Westlake Homeowners Association

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Minutes WLHO-9- 11-23


 Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
September 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Board members in attendance:  Fritz Gerwe, Bill Scharwatt, Chris Heuer, and Rolland Royce.  Lev Volod was absent.    The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Homeowners in Attendance:  Homeowners who live at the intersection of Charles Circle and Westlake Drive joined the conference call to express their concerns about the landscaping cleanup project at that corner, approved by the board in August.  The board listened to their concerns, including lack of advance notice, loss of privacy, and choice of barkdust, and will consider alternatives at a future meeting.  At this point the homeowners left the meeting.  

Minutes of the August 21, 2023 board meeting
– approved.  

Treasurer’s report.  Rolland reviewed the August and year-to-date 2023 financial statements, cash disbursements, and status of past-due accounts.      

Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.    
A request for a tree removal on Coventry Court – approved.


Open space project – Charles Circle and Westlake Drive:  The board discussed the concerns and will review further communications with the homeowners.

Past-due accounts:  Rolland said an additional four accounts had been brought current, with an additional mailing of certified demands to two homeowners.  The number of past-due accounts is at an historic low, demonstrating positive effects of our collection policy.  Further updates and actions will be discussed at the October meeting.    

Possible open space incursion:  Chris and Rolland will visit the site and determine if action is needed.  

Play structure complaint:  Fritz and Rolland will follow up.  

Fence replacement along Parkview Drive:  the homeowner followed the guidelines as advised.  

Conference call platform:  to be followed up.

Upcoming meetings.   
October 23, 2023, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone (changed from an original date of 10/9/23)
November 13, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone
December 11, Monday, at 6:30 p.m., by phone.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

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