Minutes WLHO- 3.28.22 - WLHO- Westlake Homeowners Association

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Minutes WLHO- 3.28.22


Minutes of the
2022 Annual Meeting of the
Westlake Homeowners Association
held by telephone
March 28, 2022 at 6:45 p.m.

President Fritz Gerwe called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and introduced the other members of the Association’s board of directors:  Chris Heuer (Secretary), Rolland Royce (Treasurer), Lev Volod (Website), and Bill Scharwatt.  Other residents on the call included the Sabos, Meekers, and Wardrops.  A technical difficulty with the dial-in connection may have inadvertently prevented other homeowners from participation in the meeting.  

The minutes of the 2021 annual meeting and the February 29, 2022 monthly board meeting were approved without dissent.

Rolland stated that the February 22, 2022 mailing of the notice of the annual meeting met the requirements of the CCRS, and summarized proxies that were signed and submitted:  68 received, all of which authorized any board member to vote the homeowner’s share.  One proxy nominated 2 residents for board positions – the board reached out to both homeowners, without response.  Gretchen Sabo suggested Joan Piper for future board participation.  

Fritz provided an overview of the Association’s operations over the past year, focusing on the continued participation with the Oswego Lake Watershed Council and the City of Lake Oswegoon improving the health of the oak groves in our open spaces.  Activities in 2022 included additional removal of non-native trees, mostly ash, continued work on removing invasive blackberry and ivy, replaced by the planting of native plants to improve screening.  Jack Halsey of OLWS will pursue additional grant opportunities which, if obtained, will provide opportunity for similar work in our other open space tracts.  Homeowner Tom Berridge continues to lead this work for the HOA, working with the OLWS and organizing neighborhood work parties, for which the board expressed its appreciation.    

Rolland summarized financial results for the 2021 calendar year and an overview of the 2022 budget, summarizing dues collections, costs barkdust, maintenance of liability insurance thru State Farm, and building of reserves which will provide funding for 2022 projects.  He also noted the change in legal counsel from Landye Bennett (discontinued HOA services) to Vial Fotheringham.  Gretchen Sabo asked about reserve balances – the board is in discussion with Schwindt and Co.  (tax preparation firm) to update the reserve analysis.  

Fritz reviewed the ADRC requests received and processed during 2021.  The issue of painted brick was discussed, which is not allowed by the CCRs – one exception was granted in 2021.  

Without dissent, the board terms of Fritz Gerwe and Lev Volodwere extended for two years.  The terms of Chris Heuer, Bill Scharwatt, and Rolland Royce will extend until the 2023 annual meeting

Questions on the following issues were raised by various homeowners:
The asphalt path on the west side of Westlake Dr extending north of Amberwood Circle – needs improvement.
Parking on streets and cul-de-sacs which presents fire or safety risks.
The crossings of Westlake Dr at both ends of Amberwood Circle and related safety issues.
Tracking of developments on the Middle Housing (HB 2001) initiative at the City of Lake Oswego.
Interest by Mert Meeker in financially supporting the neighborhood flag project, led by Karl Wardrop,

The board said they would follow up on these questions with the appropriate parties.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Upcoming meetings
Annual meeting, Monday, March 28, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
April 12, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.
May 23, Monday, at 6:30 p.m.

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