Minutes WLHO- 2.15.22 - WLHO- Westlake Homeowners Association

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Minutes WLHO- 2.15.22


  Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of
Westlake Homeowners Association
February 15, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. - by phone

Board members in attendance:  Fritz Gerwe, Chris Heuer, Rolland Royce, Lev Volod (excused early), and Bill Scharwatt.   Tom Berridge, Open Space Coordinator, was present for a discussion of the open space project.  Fritz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  

Minutes of the January 24, 2022 board meeting – approved as submitted.  Note:  The annual meeting to be held March 28, 2022 and monthly board meetings are conducted by phone.  Homeowners wishing to join any of these meetings can find dial-in information on meeting minutes and annual meeting notices on the website or by contacting Fritz or Rolland.  

Homeowner ADRC Application:  A resident of Amberwood Circle, having applied for removal of three trees on his property, joined the meeting to answer questions from the board, whose initial review questioned the necessity of removing all of the trees.  The homeowner pointed out on the ADRC request the numerous existing trees in the backyard of similar size and height, including fir and maple, and that the trees in question had outgrown their location, were causing damage to walkways, and risked falling in a wind/ice storm.  The requirement from the City for mitigation was also discussed.  After the homeowner left the meeting, the board approved the request as submitted.  

Open Space Update:  
 Tom Introduced Jack Halsey of the Oswego Lake Watershed Council, the leader in our 3-year project in Tract A - removing invasive plants and non-native trees, with new plantings added.  At this point approximately 90% of the invasive/non-native plants have been eliminated, with ongoing maintenance work scheduled to minimize future invasion.  Fire risk has been lowered due to removal of some of the fuel from this work, and landscape dumpings from adjacent neighbors living on the open space have been removed (letters having been sent to such homeowners demanding that such practices cease).  Jack updated the board on the opportunity of obtaining another grant from the City of $20,000 in order to pursue similar objectives in Tracts B and C, with the OLWC providing continued management and volunteer resources.  The cost to the HOA in 2022 will be $5,600 for our participation in all 3 tracts.  After further discussion, the board approved the 2022 contribution of $5,600, and thanked both Tom and Jack for their work on this project.

Treasurer’s report
.  Rolland reviewed the January 2022 financials, cash disbursements ledger, and water billing detail.  As of this date, 247 out of 293 homeowners have paid their 2022 dues, similar to the pace of the last two years.  The payment of dues in cash from one homeowner was noted.  The board reviewed and approved the proposed 2022 Budget.  The board also approved the 2021 tax returns as prepared by Schwindt and Co.    

Architectural Design Review Committee and common area maintenance.    
A request to remove trees on Amberwood Circle was approved – see above.

Administrative support position:  The board has been considering a list of administrative duties, currently performed by members of the board, and whether to separate those from board oversight responsibilities.  The board obtained quotes from two property management service providers, finding such services too costly.  The board discussed a proposal submitted by Rolland that he assume these duties for an established monthly amount (provided in the 2022 budget) – historical records indicate this approach has been used before.  Counsel advised that a person providing paid services cannot serve on the board due to the HOA bylaws and conflict of interest considerations.  The board will consider its next steps on this issue.

Past Due Accounts Policy:  Six homeowner dues accounts are past due.  Rolland will draft a proposed policy, including use of collection agencies and recording of liens, with input from counsel, for review at the next board meeting.  

Reserve study:  Rolland will coordinate an update of this requirement, using Schwindt and Co., one of the providers referred by counsel.

Board Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2022
Page 2

Title transfer fees:  The board approved establishing $100.00 as a fee for providing such services to title when a home sells.

Westlake Village:  Fritz, Bill, and Rolland visited the Westlake Village on February 10, met with the owner of the Harvest Wine Bar, and discussed the proposed structure covering the existing outdoor seating area.  The board supports the project and will advise the Chair of the Westlake Neighborhood Association accordingly.  

Homeowner request to pay for damage to play equipment and fence caused by hazardous tree removal:
Fritz will review the request further and discuss with homeowner.

Homeowner complaint on excessive cars:  Rolland will review for existing City restrictions and language in HOA bylaws and report to the board.  

Upcoming meetings
Annual meeting, Monday, March 28, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
April 12, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m.
May 23, Monday, at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

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